SOUse Zlaté Moravce Ul. 1. mája 22


Educating for life, learn to practice

Secodary Vocational School of Engineering and Elektrotechnics was founded in 1950. In that time it prepared young workers for a factory Calex. The aim was preparing young people for professions fitter and toolroom worker. Students did their training in the factory Calex and a theoretical preparation in the Training School situated next to the post office. This institution prepared qualified workers for production of fridges for household.
In 1959 the new Training centre was established with profession lathe operator, miller, refridgerating mechanic and electrician.
At the beginning there were only 80 students at our school, but when technical conditions improved, the number of pupils grew to 250. It was necessary to establish new school premises. In 1967 the fundamental stone of present school complex was laid. Teaching in new buildings started in 1973 and in 1974 the training centre was opened.
In seventies Training School changed to Secondary Vocational School. An important change became in 1977 when new study branches were opened: mechanist - regulator and mechanist - electronist. Students attend school for 4 years. After finishing their studies they obtain both Certificate and General Certificate of Education. The number of Students increased in eighties to 600.
In 1991 our school separated from Calex and became independent under the name Secondary Vocational School of Engineering. It was managed by the Ministry of Economy.
Following study change was in 1994 when further education was established for students after finishing engineering and elektrotechnics branches and new branches were added - technical and administrative worker and technical and economical worker with the opportunity of further education.
During 50 years of the history 5500 students finished their studies at our school. Many of them continued in their educating at universities. At present our school has at its disposal modern equipment, qualified educators and in cooperation with a private sector and state institutions it prepares qualified workers not only for our region but also for different branches of our national economy.